What is a zine?
A zine is a fan-created publication dedicated to something, usually made for the enjoyment of other fans. It commonly contains art and short stories.
What is this zine about?
This zine is about Sayaka Maizono, the rise and fall of being an idol and how it affects her. We plan to cover happier themes as well as darker ones.
Will this zine be for charity or for profit?
Our zine is for profit, meaning that all revenue from our sales will be distributed evenly among contributors and mods at the end of the project.
Is this zine going to be digital or physical?
Our zine has both digital and physical bundles!
March 15th - Interest Check Opens
April 15th - Interest Check Closes
April 20th - Open Mod Apps
May 20th - Close Mod Apps
May 25th - Mod Emails Sent
May 30th - Contributor Apps Open
June 30th - Contributor Apps Close
July 5th - Contributor Emails Sent
July 10th - Participation Confirmation
July 20th - Claim Ideas
August 23th - 1st Check In
September 23th - 2nd Check In
November 7th - 3rd Check In
December 7th - Final Submit
January 31st - Pre-order Opens
March 15th - Pre-order Closes

Atti (he/bee/star)
formatting & merch mod
Just your average Sayaka liker, lesbian edition. I worked on three zines before this, like Destination:Despair and JJBA Colors Zine! I've so excited to work on this zine and share the love for Sayaka!

Harper (they/ne/he)
graphics mod
Meowdy ny'all! My name's Harper, but my friends call me Harp! I'm a genderfluid, disgaybled artist and certified Sayaka enjoyer. A fun fact about me is that Sayaka and I have the same birthday! I'm also the graphics mod for Death's Final Dance and the host of Collaberonpa!

Blue (they/he/she)
communications & finance mod
Hi there, I'm Blue! I'm a visual artist from the Dominican Republic. I love cats, mermaids, and Danganronpa characters in non-canon settings. So excited for this zine!

Rosemary (she/they)
shipping mod
Heyyy it's me Rosemary but you can call me Rosie! I have been in the Danganronpa fandom since 2016 and Sayaka is such a lovely gal kiss kiss her forehead. You'll most likely see me around in the analog horror community nowadays but I am glad to get more involved into the Danganronpa fandom now with this zine!

pm (they/voi)
art mod & finance intern
Heya! I’m pm: a traditional qpoc artist, classic Sayaka enjoyer (a given), and your finance intern! to make a many thoughts head full moment brief, I’m delighted to give back to one of my oldest fandoms with these zines, and most of all, delighted to celebrate our favourite pop idol ♡

myun (she/her/they/them)
social media mod & merch intern
Hi it's me, Myun! Ur local sayaka lover and illustrator! I will be the intern merch mod for this zine! Thank you for having me!! I love merch making (and buying) and make personal merch but it's my first time being involved in a zine's merch making scene so I'm very excited!

min (any)
graphics intern
hi there, i'm min, your graphics intern! miss maizono has had me in a vice grip ever since i first got into dr and im happy to fully dedicate myself to her for this project! sayaka enjoyers rise up >:]
Contributor Guidelines
Contributors must be 16+ at the time of applying. Contributors under 18 must have a trusted adult with a paypal or opt to give their portion to charity.
Contributors must not post their pieces to social media until they are directed to by the mods.
Works featured in your application must be completely your own; no collaborations, no plagiarism.
Contributors will be expected to meet deadlines and communicate with the mods when they might need an extension. Contributors that are kicked or dropped will not receive compensation.
Creators that are found to create harmful content will be kicked from the zine. This includes, but is not limited to: pedophilia, racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, etc.
Samples must be SFW; however, gore, artistic nudity of adult characters, and vulgar language are allowed with proper trigger warnings.
Applicants may apply for more than one role.
Contributors will be expected to communicate through Discord. If you do not have a Discord, you will be required to make one in order to participate in this zine.
All links must be publicly accessible. If we cannot see your work, we cannot let you into the zine.
Please choose 3-5 of your best pieces to highlight, as well as a portfolio.
Pieces should reflect the kind of work you plan on making for the zine: if you're applying to be a comic artist, show us something sequential; a spot artist, small finished drawings; a spread artist, a horizontal piece; etc.
At least one of your highlighted pieces should include a background, unless you are only applying to be a spot artist.
It is highly recommended that at least one piece features Sayaka Maizono.
Please choose 3-5 of your best pieces to highlight, as well as a portfolio. At least one of these pieces should be a merch design.
Pieces should reflect the kind of work you plan on making for the zine: if you're applying to be a sticker artist, show a standalone design; a print artist, illustrations; a pin artist, a something small an readable; etc.
While not required, it is recommended that you also have pictures of the physical piece of merch in addition to the design.
Please choose 3-5 of your best pieces to highlight, as well as a portfolio. Your portfolio may be an AO3 account.
Pieces should reflect the kind of work you plan on making for the zine: if you're applying to be a songwriter, show something rhythmic; a drabble writer, flash fiction; an article writer, an interview styled piece; etc.
At least one piece must feature Sayaka Maizono as the focus.
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